Pranic Healing is a simple yet powerful and effective system of no-touch energy healing originated and developed by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui. It is based on the fundamental principle that the body is a self-healing living entity that possesses the ability to heal itself. Pranic Healing works on the principle that the healing process is accelerated by increasing the life force or vital energy on the affected part of the physical body.
Pranic Healing is applied on the bio-electromagnetic field known as the aura, or energy body, which surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body. This energy body absorbs life energy and distributes it throughout the physical body, to the muscles, organs, glands, etc. The reason Pranic Healing works on the energy body is that physical ailments first appear as energetic disruptions in the aura before manifesting as problems in the physical body.
Before going further know what is pranic healing and how it works Please this video
Before going further know what is pranic healing and how it works Please this video
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